My 5 year old Shoei X11 helmet badly needs some TLC. Although the external shell is in imaculate condish but the cushion and padding inside is badly worn out. Manage to find a seller for the padding and after a week long wait, courier finally delivered the cheek pads to my humble abode. Installation was a 5 min affair with 3 fasteners on each side, the cheek pads snapped in place. Only thing now is to replace inner helmet liner to fully restore the norick abe replica Shoei X-Eleven to its former glory.
few reasons why a 5 year life span for helmets
ReplyDelete1. Material degredation, especially the inner padding and foam liner. Depending upon use and where the helmet is stored this can be a safety concern in under 5 years or longer. 5 years is a good rule of thumb.
Think storage is a concern as this helmet is hardly used and when ever it hits the road a balaclava is used. Compared with my HJC RPH-10 helmets that have advanced silver anti-bacterial fabric, the X-Eleven's pads just don't feel as firm even right out of the box.